DNA Made Simple – The ABC’s Of Improving Your DNA

DNA Made Simple – The ABC’s Of Improving Your DNA

Have you ever wondered why a certain diet works well for some and not as well for others?

Do you ever wonder why someone is naturally slim, while others aren’t?

Would you like to prevent disease before symptoms ever appear?

Do you want to improve your health, lose weight, optimize your exercise program or improve your sleep?

The answers just might lie in your DNA. Our genetic code impacts everything about our health.  The better you understand yours, the more power you have to control how you feel.

What is DNA?

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It’s a self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes.  It is the carrier of our genetic information.

DNA in each cell of an organism tells the body which proteins to make.  That is DNA in its simplest terms.

Why DNA and Genetics Matter?

Humans are a relatively young species, and we have not had much time to evolve and genetically produce variations to match our most recent modern lifestyles. That means we still basically have the genes of our ancestors – who were cavemen living out on the land without running water, electricity, EMF’s and WiFi!

Our genes have not yet evolved to the fact that we can just pick up our cell phone, order food, and have it delivered to the house in 30 minutes.  Our genes are still hunting and foraging for our food, and when we were hunters and gatherers, that food may not have been very plentiful.

What that means is that things that were once protective against starvation can sometimes be problematic when it comes to obesity and diabetes… Or, something that was once protective against a certain disease or health condition now can make us more susceptible to illness.

It’s important to take into account our modern lifestyle and understand that our genes were not designed for these modern circumstances.

Around the world, all populations of humans are essentially the same. Now, thanks to the human genome project, we know that each of us has approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA and that no two people are identical (except for identical twins).  Any two people can have about 10 million base pairs that are different. Basically, the genes are telling us that we’re pretty much the same except for the little tiny bit that is different. Isn’t that so cool?

The human genome project helped identify the human DNA sequence and it highlighted approximately 30,000 genes that make up our genome. This is what made it possible for us to really understand genetics as a whole – as a science. And it allows us to study the molecular basis of health and disease. This is really what we look to when it comes to optimizing health and preventing disease and illness.

It used to be that if you wanted to get the raw data of your genetics, you’d pay almost $10,000.  But now, you can get a test done for just a couple hundred bucks, which is absolutely amazing.

This is what started the whole genomics era, which helped us to really dig into our body systems’ biology. With that said, every day science is uncovering new and fascinating information about our genes

Epigenetics – The Next Frontier

It’s important to remember that your genetics aren’t a diagnosis or an absolute that you’ll have a certain condition or illness. Your genetics just show a certain propensity towards a possible outcome. You can affect how your genes are actually expressed through diet and lifestyle, and influence the outcome!  This is the new and exciting science of Epigenetics.

Genes are at the root of health. You may or may not be familiar with the functional medicine tree, but this is actually used across the board in functional medicine.  It illustrates how our lifestyle is at the root or the base.

Things like sleep and relaxation, exercise and movement, nutrition, stress reduction and relationships are what make up what we call “the foundations of health”.  You can see these are the very bottom of the tree at the roots. Next, at the base of the tree is your genetics, and alongside that you have your mental, emotional and spiritual health, as well as your experiences, attitudes and beliefs.

Genetic predisposition in functional medicine is really helpful for assessing health and also planning a personalized intervention. When we look at health from a systems-based perspective, we take into account how well you digest and absorb food, immune system function, your energy production, your hormones, your detoxification, your circulation, and your cellular membranes, muscles and bones.

All these things are so important, and when we understand your genetics, we can actually make a more educated and more personalized precision treatment plan so that we can address all of the signs and symptoms you’re experiencing. Even more important, when we understand genetic predispositions, a personalized lifestyle plan can be designed that will allow you to prevent many of the symptoms from starting in  the first place.

DNA Made Simple

Your genes are not your destiny, and diet and lifestyle choices have strong influences on your genetics. In DNA Made Simple, we cover all of the basics of DNA and epigenetics, along with specific action steps for nutrition, sleep, exercise and lifestyle habits based upon your specific genotypes.

Remember: You can’t actually change your genes, but you can impact how they’re expressing. Epigenetics controls the expression of your DNA. In other words, it’s what turns your genes on and off. There are many factors that interact with our DNA: environment, nutrition, medications, alcohol consumption, stress and exercise (or lack thereof).

Do you have a horrible commute?  Do you live in a city with a lot of pollution?  Do you eat out often?  Do you have a desk job?  These are all inputs that are acting upon your DNA.

How your DNA expresses and the information it gives your cells changes due to the effects your environment has on them.

DNA Made Simple is the only consumer-based program that combines genetic testing, self-assessments, functional testing to show you how your genes are expressing, and lifestyle protocols and recommendations to help you make your genes work for you.

There are a lot of companies that will tell you what genes you have, and then recommend a bunch of supplements so you can “treat your genes”.  We believe that you cannot and should not “treat your genes”; we believe in treating you, the whole person.  DNA Made Simple was created to empower you and help you make the changes necessary to improve and optimize health.

All of the genes that we explore are relevant, meaning they have been heavily researched and studied (obscure genes that haven’t been extensively studied are excluded since they can give false information).  The genes covered are actionable, meaning there is something you can do to positively impact their expression and improve outcomes, now.

Genetic testing from most companies are focused on identifying ancestry data. While this information is fascinating to know, it provides little actionable information to utilize in health guidance.  Our testing is focused on the genetic data that is most actionable for providing guidance on lifestyle choices: Nutrition, Weight Loss, Immune/Autoimmune Function, Sleep, Detoxification, Fitness and Exercise, Brain Health/Mood, Hormones, GI Health. We are continually adding and updating this information to get the most out of understanding your personal blueprint.

I would love to have you join the course, DNA Made Simple, as well as our GLOW Community. You can learn more about DNA Made Simple here.  Remember, the genes we are born with are ours for life, but we can influence how those genes are expressed and find optimal health and vitality through personalized health plans specific to our genetic makeup. We can make real, lasting changes in our bodies and at the cellular level.

Perhaps the best part is that we have made it super simple for you.  The program is called DNA Made Simple because genetics can be overwhelming and out of reach for many people.

We include a genetic test kit, personalized workbook and step-by-step instruction in simple, easy to understand tutorials.  You get simple action steps and all the resources you need at your fingertips, plus the support of our coaches and community.  DNA is complex, but now optimizing your DNA can be simple!


Dr. Michelle

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