5 Minute Avocado Toast

5 Minute Avocado Toast

There are endless ways to make avocado toast – but this simple one gets scrumptiously to the point with all the protein and nutrients to start your day off strong. 

This ensemble cast of ingredients is with women’s health in mind. Artisan sourdough bread to improve digestion and promote healthy aging, avocado to deliver those essential healthy fats and vitamins, garlic to reduce inflammation and boost your immune system, egg to build muscle mass, and cilantro which contains high levels of Vitamin K to prevent bone loss – what more can you ask for in a 5 minute meal?

But first, a quick rant about the surprising health benefits of Sourdough bread:

Sourdough is full of antioxidants to help prevent cancer, signs of aging and diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. The lactic acid bacteria in it helps break down acids and increase the absorption of nutrients such as folate, potassium, and magnesium. Eating sourdough can also help regulate blood sugar levels and provide a prebiotic effect to feed the “good” bacteria in your intestines. Additionally, it contains lower levels of gluten than other forms of bread, making it easier for people with gluten intolerance to digest.

Of course, like with most foods we eat, quality makes a difference. When bread is processed and/or genetically modified, all the above benefits go out the window. So go for an organic, homemade local brand if possible.


  • Bread of choice (Sourdough if possible)
  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 clove of Garlic, raw & chopped
  • Wedge of Lime or Lemon
  • Cilantro, fresh & chopped

Begin by cooking an egg over easy on and toasting your bread. Next, mash an avocado in a small bowl with a fork. Add cilantro, lime, and salt + pepper then spread the mixture on the toasted slice of bread. For the garlic, either sprinkle over the toast or for a more mild kick, just lightly rub a peeled raw garlic clove over the spread. Lastly and simply, add the egg on top! 

Option to add white or black sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, pickled radishes, jalapeño peppers, hot sauce or sliced cherry tomatoes for even more flavor and crunch!

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