Metabolism Myths

Metabolism Myths

Which sounds easier?

  1.  Eating less food and exercising more
  2. Speeding up your resting metabolism

I’m going to go ahead and assume you picked number 2. 

Here is the problem: 

There are literally thousands of programs, websites, books and articles that will teach you different ways to eat less and/or exercise more. Some of them work for a while, but they are unsustainable. You’ve probably tried many of these yourself.

The Solution? Learn how to boost your body’s resting metabolism naturally so that you can have more energy and lose weight effortlessly.

What is Resting Metabolism? 

Think of it as your body’s engine – an engine that is always running.  This is the energy you burn just to keep your heart beating, your lungs breathing, and your other organs running.  For most of us, resting metabolism accounts for 60% to 75% of all the calories you burn each day.

This means you can burn hundreds of calories just sitting around, sleeping – without a single sit up.

Women who have a naturally high resting metabolic rate are able to eat more than people who burn calories at a slower pace.

Know what slows down your resting metabolism?  Chronic dieting and over-exercising, lack of sleep, and hormone and or digestive dysfunction.  The truth is, it is pretty easy to slow down your metabolism, but speeding it up can be a bit more confusing – unless you have a plan.

This is exactly what I am going to be teaching you over the next few weeks.

But first, let’s dig into 2 Metabolism Myths that are often touted as truth (even by fitness pros)

MYTH 1: Eating more frequently, about every three hours, will rev the body’s metabolic engine. Digestion is hard work. It costs the body a certain amount of calories to digest and absorb food. Overall, the body must burn or “spend” about 10% of all the calories you eat every day. The more calories you eat, the more this contributes to your overall calorie burn.  It doesn’t matter if you break that up into one meal or three or six.  The overall total number of calories, not how often you eat, is what counts.

MYTH 2: You can blame midlife weight gain on a slower metabolism.  Age doesn’t have a big impact on metabolism until your senior years.   Up until about age 50, metabolism slows about 7 calories for each year of age.  So the difference between your metabolism at age 30 compared to age 40 is just 70 calories a day.  This isn’t a huge number and can be combatted by getting up and walking around every couple of hours.

The real criminal here is HGH – Human Growth Hormone. After age 30 we have a drastic decrease in this hormone which is the real reason that we pack on the pounds – not to mention the wrinkles and the aches and pains.  This is the stuff that celebrities are paying $600 plus a shot for.  But you won’t have to.  We will address ways to naturally boost your HGH to complement your improved metabolic rate in future articles, so stay tuned.

Want to boost your metabolism naturally?  Stay tuned for some real, easy to implement strategies to naturally boost your body’s internal fat burning energy producing energy.

Need Some Personalized Help?  Book a Complementary Consultation with our team where we can map out some effective next steps to upgrade your metabolism, heal your hormones and optimize your overall health, no matter your current condition.  Plus, I will hold your hand through the process!  Book your free consult today!

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