GLOW Monday Challenge: Water ONLY Challenge!

GLOW Monday Challenge: Water ONLY Challenge!


“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley

Want your mind to be totally blown? Look up Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research on water! You’ll never look at water the same way again.

We all know that drinking water is good for us, yet far too many people are walking around dehydrated!

This shows up in so many ways from dry skin, to headaches, to lack of concentration, to fatigue and joint pain… (and this is just the beginning).

Basically, everything in your body is able to function better when you’re hydrated. Not only that, but EVERYTHING gets better when you’re hydrated… it will:

• Help you to maintain a healthy body weight
• Boost your energy
• Help with digestion
• Improve the quality of your skin
• Help your immune system to function optimally
• Help prevent depression
• Help you get rid of toxins in your body

Your challenge this week is to drink NOTHING BUT WATER! No coffee, no tea (except herbal), no juices, and no alcohol! Basically nothing liquid except water.

Let’s get back to basics this week and take a break from caffeine and the excess sugars that we’re drinking. Let’s stop flooding it with acidic coffee in the morning and swap it for a big glass of water with lemon instead. Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day every day this week.

Your goal is to drink at least half your body weight in ounces. (Water that you drink during your workouts does not count!)

You up for our water-only challenge this week? Your body, skin, and energy levels will thank you.

Leave a comment below and let me know!

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