Does My Yeast Make Me Look Fat?

Does My Yeast Make Me Look Fat?

You eat right, you love to workout, and you’ve always been pretty fit. Then, out of nowhere, you start having trouble maintaining your weight. No matter how hard you try, those stubborn fat deposits just won’t seem to budge. To make matter worse, you have developed a seemingly insatiable craving for sweets and starches and just thinking about exercise makes you tired.

It could be that your yeast is making you look fat.

Candida Albicans is an opportunistic fungus (or form of yeast) that is the cause of many undesirable symptoms ranging from digestive issues and gas, to joint pain, to craving and weight gain.

The Candida Albicans yeast is a part of our normal gut flora microbiome.   Everybody has some, and in small numbers, these microbes are helpful to your digestive system. However, when the Candida Albicans population starts getting out of control it weakens the intestinal wall, penetrating through into the bloodstream and releasing its toxic byproducts throughout the body.

As a result – you gain weight.  

First it’s important to understand that no amount of diet and exercise is going to fix the problem. If you want your body back, you must treat the underlying cause of the problem – the Candida overgrowth. Overgrown Candida can lead to excess fat deposits in four different ways.


Candida cells release approximately 79 different toxins into the bloodstream. It is the liver’s job to process toxins and expel them from the body. With the presence of candida overgrowth, the liver can get overloaded  and unable to process the high volume of toxins. Instead of processing the toxins immediately, the toxins must be stored for processing later.

Guess where the liver like to store toxins?

In FAT! The toxins are stored in fat to keep them from doing any more damage. The get locked away in abnormal fat deposit – primarily around the hips, belly, and thighs. And since these fat deposits are quarantining the toxin, they will be extremely hard, if not impossible to lose.


Candida needs sugar to grow and reproduce. A typical symptom of a Candida infestation is that the patient is eating lots of sugar and carbs but still craving more. The Candida yeast is processing large amounts of sugar and sending your blood sugar levels lower, triggering signals from your brain that you need to eat more. This is one way that Candida can cause weight gain and overeating.


The toxic byproducts of Candida can trigger an immune response, which is an internal stressor on the body. Stress on the adrenal glands raises cortisol levels, an emergency response (fight or flight) which prompts your body to hold on to every last piece of fat that it can. This isn’t a vanity thing.  When your body senses stress, it kicks into survival mode. Conserving energy and slowing fat burning in an attempt to conserve resources and prolong survival.


Almost every Candida sufferer will deal with fatigue, brain fog, and/or depression symptoms as a result of those 79 different toxins continually being released into the bloodstream. Some of those are neurotoxins and can do cause dysfunction in your brain and neurotransmitters. As a result, many Candida sufferers find it hard to exercise and be active.

Eat Less Exercise More will not work.

Those who know me understand that I am not a huge fan of the Eat Less Exercise More approach – at least not for any extended period of time, and especially not for anyone battling endocrine, neurotransmitter, immune, or digestive dysfunction.

In the case of Candida the Eat Less Exercise More approach will only wear you down and not treat the actual cause of the weight gain. The only way to get your body and energy back is to follow a good Candida treatment plan. Think you may have a Candida overgrowth? Book your free Glow Protocol consultation here.

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