Unlock Your Limitless Potential
In 4 Easy Steps
Our DNA gives clues to our past. Epigenetics gives 
you the power to shape your future.
Introducing the DNA Made Simple Epigenetic Workshop Bundle!
We will mail you a kit to complete your genetic saliva test in the comfort of your own home.
Receive your raw data report, where our cutting edge laboratory will test over 746,000 genetic variants.
Get your personalized workbook with your genetic SNPs inside, organized into Nutrition, Supplementation, Sleep, Detoxification, Athletic Performance and Hormone Genetics.
Get Nine interactive modules with Dr. Michelle Sands to learn exactly how to maximize the information you have and optimize your health and life!
Have you ever wondered why a certain diet works well for some, and not as well for others?
Would you like to 
prevent disease 
before symptoms 
ever appear?
Want to improve your health, lose weight, optimize your exercise program or improve your sleep?
Have you ever wondered why a certain diet works well for some, and not as well for others?
Would you like to 
prevent disease 
before symptoms 
ever appear?
Want to improve your health, lose weight, optimize your exercise program or improve your sleep?
Want to learn how to eat and move based on your DNA?
Do you ever wonder why some women are naturally slim, while others aren't?
Want to learn how to eat and move based on your DNA?
Do you ever wonder why some women are naturally slim, while others aren't?
The mystery of what makes you uniquely YOU,
is now much easier to figure out!
The mystery of what makes you uniquely YOU, is now much easier to figure out!
The study of how mechanisms – such as diet, lifestyle choices and behaviors, and stress – switch genes on or off, changing the health not only of the people who are exposed to them, but also the health of their offspring.
The study of how mechanisms – such as diet, lifestyle choices and behaviors, and stress – switch genes on or off, changing the health not only of the people who are exposed to them, but also the health of their offspring.
The study of how mechanisms – such as diet, lifestyle choices and behaviors, and stress – switch genes on or off, changing the health not only of the people who are exposed to them, but also the health of their offspring.
Get Better Results In Less Time
With A Plan As Unique 
As You Are!
Through cutting edge genetic testing we can determine:
  • What foods work best for your body  
  • How to exercise to get the best results  
  • How to optimize your sleep so you wake up rested
  • Stress management techniques specific to you  
  • How to help support your body through supplements
Get Better Results In Less Time With A Plan As Unique 
As You Are!
Through cutting edge genetic testing we can determine:
  • What foods work best for your body  
  • How to exercise to get the best results  
  • How to optimize your sleep so you wake up rested
  • Stress management techniques specific to you  
  • How to help support your body through supplements
Lose 33% More Weight &
Build Lean Body Mass
According to a study by the european society of human genetics (2014), people who follow a diet based on their genetic profile lose 33% more weight and build lean body mass.

You instinctively know that what works for your friend might not work for you but instead of testing different ways of eating, skip the guesswork and look directly at what your DNA can tell us about what foods work best for your unique body. Stop dieting forever! 
Lose 33% More Weight &
Build Lean Body Mass
According to a study by the European Society of Human Genetics (2014), people who follow a diet based on their genetic profile lose 33% more weight and build lean body mass.

You instinctively know that what works for your friend might not work for you but instead of testing different ways of eating, skip the guesswork and look directly at what your DNA can tell us about what foods work best for your unique body. Stop dieting forever! 
Customized nutrition and lifestyle plans 
based on your personalised DNA are
the fastest way to get results so you can
live your happiest, healthiest life!
Genomic review categories Dr. Michelle assesses:
Customized nutrition and lifestyle plans 
based on your personalised DNA are the fastest way to get results so you can live your happiest, healthiest life!
Genomic review categories Dr. Michelle assesses:
Discover what macronutrients (fat, protein and carbs) and what micronutrients (vitamins & minerals) you need to thrive!
Fine tune your supplementation to best compliment and augment your personal genetics
Find out how to optimize your sleep quality so you feel more well rested and how to improve sleep issues and disturbances.
Discover what macronutrients (fat, protein and carbs) and what micronutrients (vitamins & minerals) you need to thrive!
Fine tune your supplementation to best compliment and augment your personal genetics
Find out how to optimize your sleep quality so you feel more well rested and how to improve sleep issues and disturbances.
Learn how to support your bodies detoxification pathways so you have more energy and feel lighter and happier.
Perfecting hormonal balance can be more precise with understanding your genetic propensities. It can also identify bio-specific techniques to enhance outcomes.
Athletic Performance
Having certain genetic predispositions can guide optimal guide your training techniques and supplementation to take you to new levels of performance.
Learn how to support your bodies detoxification pathways so you have more energy and feel lighter and happier.
Perfecting hormonal balance can be more precise with understanding your genetic propensities. It can also identify bio-specific techniques to enhance outcomes.
Athletic Performance
Having certain genetic predispositions can guide optimal guide your training techniques and supplementation to take you to new levels of performance.
How it works
Genetic testing from most companies are focused on identifying ancestry data. While this information is fascinating to know, it provides little actionable information to utilize in health guidance. Our testing is focused on the genetic data that is most actionable for providing guidance on lifestyle choices: Nutrition, Supplementation, Sleep, Environment health, Athletic performance, and Hormones. We are also continually adding and updating this information to get the most out of understanding your personal blueprint.
How it works
Genetic testing from most companies are focused on identifying ancestry data. While this information is fascinating to know, it provides little actionable information to utilizing in health guidance. Our testing is focused on the genetic data that is most actionable for providing guidance on lifestyle choices: Nutrition, Supplementation, Sleep, Environment health, Athletic performance, and Hormones. We are also continually adding and updating this information to get the most out of understanding your personal blueprint.
DNA Made Simple
Here's What You'll Get!
GLOW Genetic Test Kit:  Cheek swab genetic test kit identifies you by only a bar code for unprecedented security.
Raw Data Report that contains over 746,000 genetic variants.
A Personalized Epigenetic Workbook with your genetic SNPs inside for you to take notes on during the workshops. Your workbook organizes your genes into the 9 categories so you can easily follow along during the trainings.
Nine Interactive Modules including self-assessments, handouts, and video lessons lead by Dr. Michelle to explain in simple english your genes in each of the panels. Modules are recorded and accessible on demand for future reference.
Panel #1: Nutrition
Panel #2: Supplementation
Panel #3: Immune/Autoimmune/Inflammatory
Panel #4: Sleep
Panel #5: Hormones
Panel #6: Detoxification
Panel #7: Gut Health
Panel #8: Fitness and Exercise
Panel #9: Brain Health
Dietary, Lifestyle, Testing and Supplement prescriptions based on your genetics.

DNA Made Simple
Epigenetic Package
Here's an overview of what will be covered in each Module
Module 1 Nutrition Genetics
  • ​How your hormones, neurotransmitters and intestinal peptides are coded to control your hunger and satiety levels
  • ​Your risk for insulin resistance
  • ​Propensity for Celiac Disease and Lactose Intolerance
  • ​Learn if grains and glutamic acid is causing insomnia, anxiety, digestive distress or mood issues
  • ​Do you have the "Fatso Gene", The "addiction gene" or the "cookie Jar" gene and what that means for your sweet and snacking habits and your willpower
  • ​Learn what your optimal ratio fo carbs, fats and proteins should be each day
  • ​Do you need carbs to burn belly fat? Or will carbs cause you to hold onto weight?
  • ​Do your genes put you at risk for Alzheimers, cognitive decline or cardiovascular disease and what types of fats can raise and lower that risk?
  • ​Which fats will help reduce inflammation and burn body fat for you? 
Module #2 Supplementation Genetics
  • ​Genetic variants can alter to storage, assimilation, uptake, transport, and excretion of certain nutrients. As a result, there are some supplements that we will have a greater genetic need for, while others can be dangerous to supplement
  • ​Learn which ones you are likely to need, and which ones to stay away from
  • ​You'll discover how to evaluate your own supplement need, the forms of each nutrient that is best for your body and ideal food sources
  • ​We will also look at the effect sodium has on your blood pressure as well as your caffeine metabolism and anxiety risk
  • ​Walk away with an ideal supplement plan for your genetics
Module #3 Immune/Autoimmune/Inflammatory
  • ​Cellular Inflammation Potential (abnormal cellular responses to immune signals
  • ​Autophagy Consideration (how well the cells cleanse)
  • ​Environmental Inflammation (potential inflammation stimulators from the environment)
  • ​Glutathione Production and Efficacy
  • ​How well do you Detox
  • ​Should you Avoid Certain Food and Why
Module #4 Sleep Genetics
  • ​Are your CLOCK genes wired as a morning person or a night owl
  • ​When is the best time of day to get your creative or productive work done
  • ​How many hours of sleep you require
  • ​How soon should you fall asleep when your head hits the pillow
  • ​How to know if you are getting enough sleep
  • ​What is your propensity for disrupted sleep? How to create deeper sleep
  • ​Narcolepsy Risk and an important rule for anyone with the high risk variant
  • ​Restless Leg Syndrome
Module #5 Hormone Genetics
  • ​Thyroid Activity and Receptors
  • ​Autoimmune Thypoid Propensity
  • ​Melatonin Processing and Receptors
  • ​Cortisol production and clearance
  • ​Estrogen Production and Metabolism
  • ​Testosterone Production and Aromatization
  • ​Bone Density
Module #6 Detoxification Genetics
  • ​We will look at your overall detox capacity and specifically how well your body detoxes estrogens, medications, anesthetics, NSAIDs and Acetaminophen
  • ​Methylation Genes
  • ​Acetylation
  • ​Glutathione
  • ​Mitochondria and Energy Production Genetics
  • ​Mold Sensitivity and ability to detox mold
  • ​Lyme Disease Risk
  • ​Environmental Toxin and Pollution Sensitivity
  • ​Histamine Sensitivity
  • ​Mercury Processing and Health Impact
Module #7 Gastrointestinal Health
  • ​The Breakdown of Histamines in Food Sources
  • ​Do you Need Probiotics (can your body make it's own or do you need to be on probiotics for life)
  • ​Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Risk
  • ​How Well Your Immune System Cleanses and Clears Intestinal Pathogens
  • Understand how GI Health and the Environment Impact Your Overall Health
Module #8 Fitness and Exercise
  • ​What is the best type of exercise for your genetics
  • ​VO2 Max Propensity
  • ​Cardiovascular Potential
  • ​Power vs Endurance
  • ​Muscle Fatigueablity
  • ​Ability to gain muscle size (hypertrophy)
  • ​Recovery time needed
  • ​Soft Tissue Injury Potential
Module #9 Neurotransmitters (Brain Health)
  • ​Production of Dopamine and Serotonin
  • ​Balance of Glutamate to GABA
  • ​Breakdown of Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Epinephrin
  • ​Serotonin receptors, Sensitivity, and Serotonin Uptake
  • ​Help Resolve Neurotransmitter Issues (ie. Mood Issues, Brain Fog, and Mental Fatigue)
Welcome, From Dr. Michelle
I’m Dr. Michelle Sands, ND — a Naturopathic physician specializing in women’s hormones and epigenetics.

After 10 years of clinical practice and learning from the brightest minds in functional medicine, I’ve learned a great deal about the physiological challenges and unique pressures that women contend with every day. The truth is, our modern world can wreak havoc on our hormones – unless we make a conscious decision to defend them.  

Here’s what I know for sure: when it comes to your health, you don’t need more choices – you need clarity. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the internet – it’s great for shopping, streaming Netflix, and connecting with friends and family – but it’s a very confusing place to get health information. Do this… Don’t do that – with all the conflicting info – it is enough to make anyone throw in the towel.

I’m here to offer clarity and simplicity. A Blueprint that will ignite your energy, mood, relationships & metabolism. Armed with this information you can change your body, your mind, and your view of the world.

My goal is to keep you feeling Happy, Heathy and Hot — at any age.
Welcome, From Dr. Michelle
I’m Dr. Michelle Sands, ND — a Naturopathic physician specializing in women’s hormones and epigenetics.

After 10 years of clinical practice and learning from the brightest minds in functional medicine, I’ve learned a great deal about the physiological challenges and unique pressures that women contend with every day. The truth is, our modern world can wreak havoc on our hormones – unless we make a conscious decision to defend them. 

Here’s what I know for sure: when it comes to your health, you don’t need more choices – you need clarity. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the internet – it’s great for shopping, streaming Netflix, and connecting with friends and family – but it’s a very confusing place to get health information. Do this… Don’t do that – with all the conflicting info – it is enough to make anyone throw in the towel.

I’m here to offer clarity and simplicity. A Blueprint that will ignite your energy, mood, relationships & metabolism.

Armed with this information you can change your body, your mind, and your view of the world.

My goal is to keep you feeling Happy, Heathy and Hot — at any age.
Welcome, From Dr. Michelle
I’m Dr. Michelle Sands, ND — a Naturopathic physician specializing in women’s hormones and epigenetics.

After 10 years of clinical practice and learning from the brightest minds in functional medicine, I’ve learned a great deal about the physiological challenges and unique pressures that women contend with every day. The truth is, our modern world can wreak havoc on our hormones – unless we make a conscious decision to defend them. 

Here’s what I know for sure: when it comes to your health, you don’t need more choices – you need clarity. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the internet – it’s great for shopping, streaming Netflix, and connecting with friends and family – but it’s a very confusing place to get health information. Do this… Don’t do that – with all the conflicting info – it is enough to make anyone throw in the towel.

I’m here to offer clarity and simplicity. A Blueprint that will ignite your energy, mood, relationships & metabolism.

Armed with this information you can change your body, your mind, and your view of the world.

My goal is to keep you feeling Happy, Heathy and Hot — at any age.
Welcome, From Dr. Michelle
I’m Dr. Michelle Sands, ND — a Naturopathic physician specializing in women’s hormones and epigenetics.

After 10 years of clinical practice and learning from the brightest minds in functional medicine, I’ve learned a great deal about the physiological challenges and unique pressures that women contend with every day. The truth is, our modern world can wreak havoc on our hormones – unless we make a conscious decision to defend them. 

Here’s what I know for sure: when it comes to your health, you don’t need more choices – you need clarity. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the internet – it’s great for shopping, streaming Netflix, and connecting with friends and family – but it’s a very confusing place to get health information. Do this… Don’t do that – with all the conflicting info – it is enough to make anyone throw in the towel.

I’m here to offer clarity and simplicity. A Blueprint that will ignite your energy, mood, relationships & metabolism.

Armed with this information you can change your body, your mind, and your view of the world.

My goal is to keep you feeling Happy, Heathy and Hot — at any age.
Welcome, From Dr. Michelle
I’m Dr. Michelle Sands, ND — a Naturopathic physician specializing in women’s hormones and epigenetics.

After 10 years of clinical practice and learning from the brightest minds in functional medicine, I’ve learned a great deal about the physiological challenges and unique pressures that women contend with every day. The truth is, our modern world can wreak havoc on our hormones – unless we make a conscious decision to defend them. 

Here’s what I know for sure: when it comes to your health, you don’t need more choices – you need clarity. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the internet – it’s great for shopping, streaming Netflix, and connecting with friends and family – but it’s a very confusing place to get health information. Do this… Don’t do that – with all the conflicting info – it is enough to make anyone throw in the towel.

I’m here to offer clarity and simplicity. A Blueprint that will ignite your energy, mood, relationships & metabolism.

Armed with this information you can change your body, your mind, and your view of the world.

My goal is to keep you feeling Happy, Heathy and Hot — at any age.
DNA Made Simple Epigenetic 
Workshop Bundle
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