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Glow Below Vaginal Vitality Serum is the first-of-its-kind product specifically designed for the vaginal and vulvar tissues. It is a luxurious serum that helps restore vaginal health and elasticity by providing moisture and suppleness where it’s needed most—deep inside your body! 
Its unique blend of ingredients promotes collagen production and supports healthy tissue growth down there, resulting in increased lubrication, improved sensation during intercourse, decreased urinary tract infections and increased comfort overall.   And this isn’t just about treating symptoms; it’s about restoring health and wellness from the inside out—no matter what stage in life you’re at. 


Women should not be surprised by changes the happen to their vagina, vulva and urinary tract as a resulting from the drop in the hormone, estrogen. which is a normal part of menopause and effects the vast majority of women.

However, most of us are confused, frustrated and frightened by the seemingly overnight changes to our vulvar and vaginal area. Now this is a simple, discreet solution to put an end to the pain and discomfort and allow you to regain your confidence and feminine power.


Dryness is a hallmark sign of menopause. As estrogen declines, the skin become thinner and more easily irritated, often becoming painful. Left untreated this condition known as Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) will continue to progress often leading to chronic urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence. and disruption to normal daily activity.

In addition to perimenopause and menopause, women who have been treated with chemotherapy, those with diabetes or circulatory issues and women who breastfeed for an extended period of time may also experience troubling vaginal symptoms regardless of their age.


A vaginal vitality serum, like GLOW Below, can help to increase hydration around your vulva, vagina and surrounding areas to soothe and improve the skin tissue quality.

It will help with soothing any irritation or discomfort, protect and repair your skin barrier, and can even help with plumping and rejuvenate saggy or thin tissues.

Most importantly, GLOW Below can be used daily as part of your regular skincare routine and will help with overall vaginal health, vaginal ph, reducing UTI’s and overall comfort

Low Dose with Big Results

You don’t have to suffer in silence. Our
vaginal estrogen and DHEA treatment is 100% safe
and effective
in treating vaginal dryness,
itching, burning, atrophy, painful sex and more.

90% of women see improvement in 2-4 weeks
This is a may come as a shock, but low dose vaginal estrogen is incredibly safe, incredibly effective, and leads to dramatic improvements in quality of life

Dr. Michelle Sands, Naturopathic Physician

Instantly rejuvenate, soothe, nourish and hydrate sensitive vaginal and vulvar tissues with a luxurious ph balanced formula.
Reverse atrophy and plushness of vaginal wall for greater comfort and pleasure during intercourse and all day confidence with continued use.
Replenish collagen and elastin as well as addressing the root cause of vaginal and vulva symptoms – the loss of the female hormone estrogen.



As women, we put so much effort in to reverse the impact of skin aging of our face, however few stop to think how it affects our intimate area. The result is a lack of moisture, reduction in skin elasticity, and increased susceptibility to irritation, infection, and discomfort. Many women find that their relationships, physical activity and overall quality of life begin to suffer as a result.

GLOW Below was created with just a handful of the words most effective and natural ingredients to nourish your private parts with everything they need, and nothing that they do not. Unlike most products on the market, GLOW Below contains NO chemical, additives, fillers, GMO’s or preservatives. It is made with certified organic ingredients, is 100% plant based and cruelty-free. And because we believe in addressing the root cause, GLOW Below with Estrogen contains a clinically effective level of low dose bioidentical estriol and estradiol that stays local to the vagina and does not raise blood or systemic levels of estrogen. This makes it safe even for women who cannot use oral or systemic estrogen. And because the underlying cause behind all of these symptoms deficient estrogen, it works quickly and efficiently to provide long lasting relief and stronger, healthy cells and tissues. GLOW Below with DHEA contains all the same ingredients and benefits as GLOW Below with Estrogen, except in an estrogen-free formulation.



Shea Butter all-natural moisturizer that helps hydrate your skin from within. Shea butter contains vitamins A and E which are known to help promote healing while also providing soothing relief from vaginal dryness and irritation



Almond oil helps lock in moisture and provide lasting hydration. Almond oil has been shown to improve circulation in the pelvic region by increasing blood flow. This helps prevent cramping during menstruation and increases pleasure and lubrication during intercourse.


Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body and is responsible for keeping skin plump and smooth. It is a powerful humectant that penetrates deeply into the skin to protect against moisture loss and can help hydrate dry or aging vaginal skin cells. It also helps your vaginal tissues stay lubricated, which makes sex more comfortable and pleasurable.



Cocoa Butter is rich in antioxidants that help fight against free radicals and reduce the signs of aging. It also contains flavonoids, which are powerful anti-inflammatory agents that can help calm irritated skin. Cocoa also contains magnesium, which helps reduce inflammation and improve blood flow.

Cocoa Butter has been used in Naturopathic Medicine to soothe sensitive tissues and the reverse atrophic vaginitis. Cocoa butter is rich with skin-loving fatty acids. It is often used to restore very dry, cracked skin and to replenish aging skin. It is deeply moisturizing, nourishing, and protective



This powerhouse ingredient provides antioxidant protection which helps protect your skin from free radicals that weaken the skin overtime and can lead to premature aging. It also aids in keeping your skin soft and supple while adding a little extra moisture to make sure everything stays moisturized and healthy. It helps repair the vaginal mucosa (the innermost layer of the vagina) and reduces dryness, itching, and burning.

Vitamin E helps tighten, firm, and moisturize the skin. This ingredient has been clinically studied to help women improve vaginal hydration and comfort.


Low Dose Vaginal Estrogen can reduce or eliminate pain, discomfort, and Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Estrogen helps improve the body’s natural lubrication which can reduce pain during sexual intercourse. It also enhances the elasticity of tissue in the vagina walls which may help reduce the risk of UTIs. Lastly, estrogen promotes faster healing of tissues that may be damaged due to childbirth, age or hormonal changes, leading to more pleasurable sensations. Our estrogen-free formula contains DHEA which activates estrogen receptor sites and works similarly but with an estrogen-free formula.


Get immediate and long term relief with your choice of two formulas..
GLOW Below with Estrogen or GLOW Below with DHEA

3 MONTH Supply

With Estrogen

One-Time Purchase

Buy 1!



Just $33.00 per month

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With Estrogen

Autoship Every 90 days

Buy 1!

$89.00 $99.00


Just $29.67 per month

3 MONTH Supply


One-Time Purchase

Buy 1!



Just $33.00 per month

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Autoship Every 90 days

Buy 1!

$89.00 $99.00


Just $29.67 per month


A vaginal moisturizer, like GLOW Below that contains low dose bioidentical estrogen or DHEA is an effective and natural way to help reduce discomfort and pain during sex. GLOW Below is specifically formulated to keep the vagina hydrated and healthy, which helps with lubrication, elasticity, and overall comfort. The low-dose estrogen stays local to the vaginal and vulvar region and helps to reverse any tissue damage caused by lack of hormones. Additionally, low dose estrogen and DHEA increase the sensitivity of the area, and improves blood flow, leading to more pleasurable sensations during intercourse. All in all, GLOW Below with Estrogen or GLOW Below with DHEA are both great choices for those dealing with discomfort or pain during sex due to hormonal insufficiency.


Your skin is the first barrier of defense from the outside world. Over time, your skins natural defense barrier is exposed to external aggressors, from temperature shifts, pollution in the air, synthetic fabrics, harsh chemicals in products… the list goes on!

Add to that stress, lack of sleep, the impact of our busy lifestyles, including diet and exercise, and your skin barrier begins to break down and accelerate the aging process.

We put so much effort in to reverse the impact of skin aging of our face, however few stop to think how it affects our intimate area. The result is a lack of moisture, reduction in skin elasticity, and increased susceptibility to irritation and discomfort. Make GLOW Below your one-step skincare for down there!


You have the power to take charge of your intimate health and give your vagina the care it deserves. GLOW Below can help you “glow up” from the waist down, reverse discomfort and pain during sex, lower tissue damage, prevent UTI’s, candida, and leaks and increase sensitivity for more pleasurable sensations. GLOW Below provides immediate relief, but also helps you maintain healthy vaginal tissue over time which leads to more confidence in your body, improved quality of life and enhanced intimacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Both GLOW Below with Estrogen and GLOW Below with DHEA are great choices for any women experiencing any of the symptoms of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, including dryness, itching, burning, discomfort, pain with intercourse, chronic urinary tract infections, chronic yeast infections, loss of sensitivity, sexual dysfunction or incontinence. Both formulas are incredibly safe and do not increase blood levels of estrogen since they stay local to the tissues of the vulva, urethra and vagina. The main difference is that GLOW Below with Estrogen is slightly better and improving skin thickness, reversing atrophy and preventing urinary tract infections and can be applied 3 times per week in maintenance while GLOW Below with DHEA is slightly better at improving sexual function, sensitivity and sensation and needs to be applied daily even in maintenance. The choice is yours and can be made based on what you most pressing issues are. The formulas can also be used in combination either by rotating days or using GLOW Below with Estrogen in the morning and GLOW Below with DHEA at night. As you can see from the chart below, both products provide incredible relief across the board, however GLOW Below with Estrogen is a bit stronger in all areas except Sexual Pleasure where GLOW Below with DHEA is stronger.
GLOW Below with Estrogen contains a tiny dose of bioidentical estradiol and estriol, which is all that is needed to restore and revitalize the delicate vaginal and vulva tissues. The total estrogen in each pump of GLOW Below is 100 MCG in the form of 20 MCG Bioidentical Micronized Estradiol USP and 80 MCG Bioidentical Micronized Estriol USP. USP stands for United States Pharmacopia.
GLOW Below with DHEA contains a small dose of bioidentical DHEA, which is all that is needed to restore and revitalize the delicate vaginal and vulva tissues. The total amount of DHEA in each pump of GLOW Below with DHEA is 5 mg of biodientical DHEA USP. USP stands for United States Pharmacopia.

Please begin using 1 pump of GLOW Below daily.

Some women will need less or more cream as time goes on. You want to use the smallest dose possible that provides relief, typically this is 1-2 pumps. After the first week, you can increase to 2 pumps if desired.

Use GLOW Below for 60 days at the recommended dose (1-2 pumps daily) We expect you will see improvements in 6-8 weeks although many of our clients experience more immediate results. After 60 days, if you have not experienced any improvements, it is safe to increase your GLOW Below dose up to 4 pumps daily, 2 in the AM and 2 in the PM. For twice a day users, we suggest pairing GLOW Below with Estrogen with GLOW Below with DHEA for best result.

After the initial 60 days of use, and once you’re experiencing improvements from daily use, you can go into a “maintenance” mode. Maintenance dosing is typically 5 times per week. You should continue at this maintenance dose. Note that if you discontinue use of the product you will return to your baseline.

You may notice a warming and/or tingling sensation at first, which should not last longer than 10 to 15 minutes. This is more common in women who have a more severe degree of irritation and it is a sign that the product is working. This sensation will subside as the tissues continue to repair.

If the warming and/or tingling sensation lasts for longer than 20 minutes, or creates a feeling of discomfort, discontinue use of GLOW Below for 72 hours. Then try using a 1 pump dose. If symptoms re-occur, consider alternating between GLOW Below and a natural moisturizer such as coconut oil or olive oil.

You can safely apply GLOW Below with your clean fingers. Apply it to your vulvar area from your clitoris, all along the labia, over the urethra and the vaginal opening to the perineum. Gently massage the serum into the labia minora and majora. This will allow the serum to get to all of the tissues that need the most nourishment. There is no need for an applicator as the ingredients in GLOW Below will make their way into the vaginal canal and the urethra as well as the entire vulvar area.

GLOW Below is PH balanced and designed for your delicate intimate area and anywhere on your body.

GLOW Below is safe externally and internally, so women with more severe dryness may wish to insert GLOW Below into the vaginal opening using a clean fingertip. Wash your hands afterward. Glow Below can also be applied by pumping onto a tissue and wiping on.

The serum will be well absorbed within 20 minutes.

GLOW Below does contain hormones so please keep out of reach of children and pets and avoid sharing hand towels.

Apply it to your vulvar area from mons pubis, over your clitoris, all along the labia, over the urethra and the vaginal opening to the perineum. Gently massage the serum into the labia minora and majora. This will allow the serum to get to all of the tissues that need the most nourishment. See diagram below to become more familiar with these terms and locations. There is no need for an applicator as the ingredients in GLOW Below will make their way into the vaginal canal and the urethra as well as the entire vulvar area.

GLOW Below is PH balanced and designed for your delicate intimate area and anywhere on your body.

Apply GLOW Below daily at any time of the day that works for you. Many women do well applying it first thing in the morning, after a shower, before or after a workout, before bed and before and after intercourse. Choose the time of day that works for you, it is safe to apply up to 4 pumps per day..

Yes, GLOW Below can be applied before intercourse, and many women using GLOW Below prior to intercourse have found it to increase their ability to achieve orgasm. It is not harmful in any way to your partner. For women concerned about using GLOW Below with Estrogen, the estrogen is full absorbed within 20 minutes and will not transfer to your partner after that time. GLOW Below with DHEA can be used immediately before intercourse, in fact, you will be pleasantly surprised by the enhances sexual sensations that GLOW Below with DHEA provides.

Note: GLOW Below contains natural emollients, so please refer to your condom packaging to determine if it has any warnings relating to the use of oil-based products

Yes. Low dose vaginal estrogen like in GLOW Below is extremely safe. There have been many studies since the WHI doing retrospective reviews for women only using low-dose vaginal estrogen products showing that there is no increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular events whatsoever. Which shows that vaginal estrogen is extremely safe. Vaginal estrogen even prevents urinary tract infections and morbidity associated with urinary tract infections, showing that it is actually more dangerous not to be using this medication in menopause. Individuals can use it safely for decades- essentially forever. You can start it when you’re 50 and take it until you’re 95 and you will only be healthier because of it.

Low-dose vaginal estrogen, what is in GLOW Below, does not actually raise blood levels of estrogen, therefore, it does not have the any risks associated with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Vaginal estrogen is a localized treatment, meaning it is only administered to the place it is aiming to treat and only have a very localized effect on the vaginal tissues themselves. This is well studied, widely documented, and supported by, the North American Menopause Society, and A4M. See references at the bottom of this page.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that your body naturally produces in the adrenal gland. DHEA is a precursor to other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Vaginal DHEA can help to upregulate estrogen and provide many of the same benefits as vaginal estrogen. Is it very safe to use.

According to the research of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS): Vaginal estrogen & DHEA treatment is 100% safe and effective in treating vaginal dryness, itching, burning, atrophy, painful sex and more. See references at the bottom of this page.

GLOW Below contains only hand-picked active ingredients with no fillers or chemicals. GLOW Below is made with organic ingredients, is plant-based, paraben-free, cruelty-free, and allergen free. GLOW Below is made in the USA at a FDA registered, Kosher certified, GMP facility and is third party tested for purity.

Here is the full ingredient list for each formula:

GLOW Below with Estrogen:

Shea Butter
Sunflower Oil
Almond Oil
Micronized Estriol USP
Micronized Estradiol USP
Vitamin E
Hyaluronic Acid

GLOW Below with DHEA:

Shea Butter
Sunflower Oil
Almond Oil
UPS DHEA (Dehydroepiandroserone)
Vitamin E
Hyaluronic Acid

Our GLOW Below retails at $99 per bottle, each tube lasts 2-3 months. This brings the cost to $33 per month. We are not in network with insurance providers. However, our prices are in many cases cheaper than your co-pay with insurance which can range from around $200 per tube.

Yes, however, there will be an additional shipping fee calculated at checkout. Please contact for help placing international orders

No, not at all. GLOW Below is not intended to increase serum levels of Estradiol, Estriol or DHEA. Instead the low dose of estrogen and/or DHEA is absorbed locally into the vaginal and vulvar tissues.

If you are interested in increasing your systemic levels of these hormones due to perimenopause or menopause I encourage you to check out my Healthy Hormone Club at Or watch my free hormone restoration masterclass at

The Estradiol, Estrogen and DHEA in the GLOW Below serums are absorbed locally and should not affect circulating serum levels of your hormones and therefore will not impact your dose of your systemic hormone replacement. With that said, low-dose vaginal hormones are a great compliment to systemic hormone replacement.
Dr. Michelle recorded a very informative video with a lengthy Q and A session at the end. The first 25 minutes gives you all the information that you need to know about vulva and vaginal atrophy and GSM, and then you can listen to the questions that other women had along with the answers. You can watch below:


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